6 Ways To Make Video Meetings As Good As Real Life Meetings

October 17, 2023by AllWave AV


Video conferencing has changed the way we do business. Collaborations between people across the nation or across the world used to rely on expensive travel arrangements. Real progress on a joint project happened only during brief windows when representatives from each organization could meet and discuss. Now, video linkups enable Realistic Video Meetings, allowing remote participants to connect and making distant conversations feel like in-person interactions. But is it really the same? Can looking at a video screen have the same effect as looking someone in the eye? It can if you’re well prepared.

Here are 6 tips for making video meetings like real life meetings as much as possible.
Check All Systems:

Before the meeting gets started, do a thorough check of all the systems you’ll be using during the meeting. This includes testing the camera to make sure the picture is clear, testing audio to make sure the sound can be easily heard and understood, and testing your Internet connection to make sure it’s strong and won’t cut you off in the middle of your meeting. An equipment malfunction is one of the quickest ways to disrupt your moment and cause your video meeting to fail.

Use an HD Camera:

You have no control over the kind of equipment that the partners you’re connecting with are using, but you can do your best to make sure their experience viewing you is as realistic as possible. Use an HD camera that will capture all the subtle colors and details of your surroundings, and make it look like you’re actually there in the room with them. Use an HD projector to avoid having everyone huddle around a computer screen, which can create discomfort. Making video meetings like realistic video meetings means viewing the other person clearly and easily. A projector and screen enlarge the size of your meeting partners, facilitating more natural interaction with them.

Control the Lighting:

Even with an HD camera, bad lighting can make your picture look terrible. Test the lighting in the room to see how it looks on camera. If there are windows in the room, close the drapes or blinds to eliminate outside light. And don’t wear bright colors, as they can be distracting.

Make Eye Contact:

As much as possible, look directly at the camera, to make it look like you’re making eye contact. Looking at the screen instead of the camera shifts your gaze, making interactions feel unnatural and distracting. Use supplemental materials to enhance your meetings. Real-life meetings often include packets of papers—such as reports and charts—distributed to each attendee, effectively illustrating your points. Gather and send packets to your meeting partners in advance to reference them during your discussion.