Design Your Boardrooms with Efficiency and Elegance

April 6, 2017by AllWave AV

Boardroom-type meeting spaces vary, but there are 10 basic ingredients to successful boardroom systems.

 Information Technology (IT) Infrastructure

BoardRooms must have good I.T infrastructure like Wireless Internet that is easily accessible, Power and Data Access for every individual seat around the conference table.

Distributed antenna systems on buildings help enhance cellular coverage, so executives feel connected.

High-Quality Display Systems

BoardRooms require High-Quality Display Systems which are High Definition [1920 x 1080], VC suite enabled ready for instant Video Conferencing, Enhanced Presentation experience, etc.

Types: LCD, Microtile, or front projection.

Presentation Capabilities

There should be multiple, easy-to-use, readily accessible connections for laptop computer video with built-in captive cables.

Each connection should be vividly labeled and offer a VGA connector, a small “headphone style” audio connection, and an HDMI connection for the digital video which is more and more common these days.

Teleconferencing Capabilities

A modern boardroom must have a reliable, clear, and easy-to-use teleconferencing system that must function for every seated individual equally.

Microphones, ceiling loudspeakers, echo cancellers should work in conjunction with each other for successful Teleconferencing.


Most executive-level personnel are familiar with videoconferencing and rely on it.

An off-the-shelf HD system from Tandberg or Polycom can also deliver a very high-quality VC experience well suited to a BoardRoom.

In boardrooms, there are typically two or more displays, a front camera on center at slightly higher than eye-level, and a rear camera at 7 feet, 0 inches, so people can remotely view proceedings.


Lighting for a videoconferencing room type should have a separate circuit for any fixtures that may cast light on the wall featuring the room’s display.

All light fixtures should be recessed and provide a uniform field of light such that the VTC camera’s iris does not make constant adjustments.

Electronic Annotation

This gives users the ability to touch the main displays and mark them up with their fingers or special colored fake markers.

These markings can then be saved and printed out for later discussion.

Source Devices

Boardroom-style meeting spaces typically do not have much in terms of source devices since most media is PC or laptop-based.

Control System

To Control all the above-mentioned systems, In most instances, a touch panel-based control system is used with a carefully designed and branded interface.

The control system will dial for teleconferencing, control the videoconferencing system, select which laptop connection gets displayed, control volume, allow remote assistance and maintenance, and turn the system power on or off


The best boardrooms are simple to use and require no additional outside support.